Episode 1 - Getting started

In episode 1, we will cover the basics of what you need to know before your first electric surf session.

Episode 2 — Water Start

In episode 2, we will teach you how to do a water start on your electric surfboard.

Episode 3 — Riding Position

In episode 3, we will teach you how to perfect your riding position. We will also show what common beginner mistakes to avoid.

Episode 4 — Dock Start

In episode 4, we will teach you how to do a dock start on your electric surfboard. This will for sure impress the crowd.

Episode 5 — Full Speed

In episode 5, we will teach you how to get ready for the first full-speed run on your electric surfboard. You will also learn how to avoid flying off your board at full speed.

Episode 6 — Beach Start

In episode 6, we will teach you how to do a beach start on your electric surfboard. It's much easier than you might think and a very useful skill to have.

Episode 7 — Frontside Carve

In episode 7, you will learn how to do the frontside carve or turn on your electric surfboard. No matter what you call it, it's the first step to complete control of your board.

Episode 8 — Backside Carve

In episode 8, you will learn how to do the backside carve or turn on your electric surfboard. With the frontside turn you learned in the last episode, you now have complete control of your electric surfboard.

Episode 9 — Carve Transition

In episode 9, you will learn how to do the carve transition or, as some may call it, the rail to rail transition on your electric surfboard. You will use what you learned in the two past episodes and learn how to perfect your style.

Episode 10 — Strapless Carving

In episode 10, you will learn how to carve while riding strapless on your electric surfboard. This can be such a great experience, and with the tricks learned in this episode, you will be able to fully explore the freedom of your board.

Episode 11 — Donut

In episode 11, you will learn how to do a donut on your electric surfboard. A classic trick that can be so much fun when you know all the tricks and techniques.

Episode 12 — Ollie

In episode 12, you will learn how to do an ollie on your electric surfboard. This trick is performed in all sorts of boardsports but will surely impress the crowd when done on your board.

Episode 13 - Strapless 180 & 360

In episode 13, you will learn how to expand your strapless riding with jumps and spins on your electric surfboard. These are very fun tricks to do when riding strapless.

Episode 14 - Cross step basics

In episode 14, you will learn the basics of cross stepping on your electric surfboard. Cross stepping comes from surfing and longboarding, and thanks to the fully covered deck pad on the RÄVIK boards, it’s a great trick to do with your board.